Piers returning from his walk.

2023 JewelLye

Hi - Things remain up in a heaval here, as the ill timing of these supposedly monthly HiPiers columns indicates. The last one was Apull 2023, wherein I described our…
Piers visiting Grand Canyon on way to CA.

2023 APull

HI - I have been getting later and later on these HiPiers columns, and finally missed Marsh 2023 entirely. What has been going on? Have I been sick? No. Ornery?…
New Christmas Present turtleneck.

2023 FeBlueberry

Hi - This month was named by my daughter Penny. I was trying to figure out a suitable appellation, and she suggested it, and I laughed it off, but in…
Piers' Starry Night Enterprise Christmas present.

2023 Jamboree

Hi - Last year I reviewed the ogres' pursuits, month by month. I think the point has been made: stay away from ogres unless you have excellent reason, such as…
Piers with late lamented papaya tree top.

2022 NoRemember

HI - I believe I have mentioned how justifiably proud ogres are of their stupidity. That goes for their memory too. Even when they succeed in counting all their clumsy…
Piers Anthony, August, 2021

2022 OctOgre

HI - This the month it started, OctOgre. As many of my readers know, I was accused of being an ogre at fan conventions, when I had never even been…
Piers gets his first smartphone, August 2022

2022 SapTimber

HI - This month, the bored ogres take a break from intimidating dragons and have at innocent forests, tying knots in the trunks of saplings and smashing mature trees into…
2022 AwGhost

2022 AwGhost

Hi - This is the month when an ogre saw a ghost and was of course too dull to understand what it was. When someone explained it to him, he…
Piers wears The Pun Meister Shirt

2022 JewelLye

HI - First, an announcement: Doug Harter has updated the Xanth Character Database through #46 Six Crystal Princesses now coming on sale. That’s the one where two children set out…
2022 JeJune

2022 JeJune

This is generally a nice month, warm and pleasant. That’s why the ogres find it boring. It is at least the start of the hurricane season, which of course they…